Thursday, February 28, 2008

easter pictures

so i get free pictures at work so at halloween i got some in his monkey outfit, and i got some and christmas. and now its easter time and still had the christimas pictures up so i went in and got some new ones. i cant belive how much bigger he has gottin from last time i took pictures it want only a month ago but he looks so much diffrent. he is getting tall he can open the candy drawer at grandma cokies. and no worrys he knows right where it is and who to ask to get some. he is a funny little boy. and getting funnier every day.
carlos is wroking hard and still in school. it has been a busy week for him at work with the home show and stuff. i am working away and waiting for the summer to come so i can start school myself.

snow in hurricane?

well it snowed in hurricane a few weeks ago. and christian just so badly wanted to know what all the fus was about
so we took im outside and he was just so cute,
he was a little scared at first to touch it he wasnt sure if he would get in trouble or not, but when i showed him it was ok he dived right in
he picked it up and threw it around . but the time he was done he had gotted pretty wet. i had to take him in and change him into his pjs and he threw a fit about comming in he was having so much fun.
but i guess i wont have to deal with snow again for a few years. thats when southern utah will get snow again right

Sunday, February 17, 2008


hey i have some way cute pictures of christian but i keep forgeting to bring them to my moms so i can put them on my blog. so i will have to do that soon. all is going well here. christian is getting bigger everyday. he runs around and gets into everything nothing safe anymore. he has about leared to open the fridge so pretty soon i will have to put a safe thing on it so he does not pull our all our food. carlos is going to school and working still. i am going to start school at dixie this summer. and i cant wait. we love you all and congrats missy i am so happy for you we will keep you in our prayers.